Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Please save me from myself.......

This is like crack!!  Not that I've ever done crack, but you understand......

Whoever invented this must be stabbed!!
It has consumed my life......I can't stop!!!

By the way, thanks for the nice emails wondering where I am.
I have been working on several things, I just need to get my grove back!

Mean while.......

I MUST have a windmill.......
If anybody comes across one will you please mail it to me!!!

Look at this cuteness!! 
What a great HOSTESS Gift!!!

Make the girls work for their keep!
No more bottles of wine, everybody gets a basket of eggs from me!!

And this tail gate, 
I have a RED ONE!!

Mine is not a bench, but what a great idea!!

I have a this same tub in my yard........
My flowers don't look that good, 
well the truth is..... mine are all brown and barely hanging on,
 because it's 100 stinkin' degrees here 
everyday single day and everything very sun burnt and crispy!

 I made one these dresser, planter things......

Pinterest makes me happy!

I'm happy to know there is someone else in the world that loves a Chevy
tailgate as much as I do!!  

And there is someone else out there that
has a claw-foot tub in their yard!! 

So, to you boyfriend, the one that calls me a HOARDER

HA See other people have the same stuff I do!
So it's not hoarding!!!